Slayer, за счет сокрушительных ударов, прыжков и стремительных выпадов, создаёт вокруг себя настоящую зону смерти. Его оружие - огромный двуручный меч.
Slayer - идеальное сочетание мобильности и огромного урона. Он может легко преодолеть множество трудностей в одиночку.
Если ты чувствуешь непреодолимое желание порубить всех в лоскуты двуручным мечом, смело выбирай Slayer
Умения класса Slayer
Сообщение отредактировал Lynnosvetnaya - Воскресенье, 12.10.2014, 22:42
Slayer & You: What this guide offers First off let me remind everyone about Slayer. Slayer is a BURST melee DPS class. We are Glass cannons & every class in the game has a unique enough kit to shut us down in the 3v3 World. There are times when things will be extremely easy but against those who have a clear understanding of our kit, dont expect to solo anyone. Slayer is a high risk, moderate reward Class. Healers absolutely DREAD our class. They fear the thought of being RNG'd and getting one-combo'd randomly by our graceful swordsmanship. Our biggest strength is the amount of pressure we can deal on the healer classes of Tera. The things about to be explained is not meant to provide you, the reader/viewer, any sort of skill in the least. I am not here to throw a reason as to why the "Slayer" Class is good and I am not here to convince you otherwise. Anything here that is about to be said is based on my personal PvP Experience as a Slayer. With that being said, there are plenty of things that will be seen as "common sense" to the average slayer. I hope to reinforce exactly what your strengths and weaknesses are, throw some guidelines and allow you, the player, to see exactly what you are capable of in the PvP world. Take what's about to be said with a grain of salt, learn & see for yourself exactly what this class is capable of. I am glad you are interested in the class that I love to play. I hope this helps aspiring slayers with the helpful words I plan to say. Good Luck, hope you succeed
3v3 Environment Welcome to Champion Skyring ^ - ^ In this place you are: The Carry: You make the plays, you dish out the damage, you burst & you make or break your team. The Focus: The other side knows you are a threat, they are aware of you, they will try to kill you, they know you are squishy & if you don't defend yourself/dodge well, they know you will die very quickly. The Annoyance: You stick to your targets like glue, you pressure pressure PRESSURE PRESSURE, you dont let your opponents make plays and you peel well for your team when the heat is on.
Crystals/Glyph SetupCrystalsHere's a list of viable crystals: Pristine Griefing Zyrk Pristine Indomitable Zyrk Savage Crux Forceful Crux Cruel Crux Carving Crux Salivating Crux Virulent Crux Swift Crux Relentless Crux Grieving Crux The General Setup is to run: Pristine Griefing Zyrk x4 Savage Crux Forceful Crux Cruel Crux Salivating Crux Relentless Crux x3 Grieving Crux The best way to decide what crystals to run is to juggle out what strengths to take advantage of and weaknesses you think or will have in the 3v3 match. HP too low? Run x4. Are you Castanic? Take full advantage of your Crit Passive Running with a mystic? Dot them on the floor Mana Issues? GlyphsThe following glyphs are ones that I approve of for general PvP. Pick and choose to define your playstyle.
The Gate (Prep Phase)Hit your "Batteground Score" button & inspect what comp you're up against. Distinguish what healer it is, whether its Priest/Mystic & make sure to mark the healer, keeping track of all buffs etc.
Casting Triumphant shout the second mana decay affects your manabar allows you to start the match with mana so make sure to pick up this habit Don't forget your Noctenium! - Insert Noc Image Here - When I get home
Rule's of Thumb [Do's/Don'ts]Do
Interfere/Stagger the enemy healer's heals
Isolate the enemy in a 1v1 & be confident in it.
Use your backstab as a play by play/Setup tool for your team but don't make it obvious
Take full advantage of your Startling Kick & Measured Slice, dont miss these essential skills
Keep up the pressure even after your backstab combo is down
Be aware of your enemy's buffs, whether they are focusing you and your own HP pool. If you are low they are more likely to converge on you.
Use Overpower when you see any barrier [Warding Totem/Kaia's Shield/Mana Barrier/Iron Will]
Spam KD's when running with a Berserker
Call out when you just bursted a target/are going for a big combo on a target
Mark the Healer, select the target most buff dependent.
Be aware if your healer is being CC'd, if they are being CC'd they need help you aren't going to get heals otherwise
Don't be afraid to peel * don't peel too much, find the balance & ensure you are still outputting pressure on the enemy
Use Exhausting blow, it's a cool skill I promise
Opening with ICB isnt a bad idea, you will get it twice in a 3v3 round if you use it early on.
Try not to get overzealous, a bad initiation could cause them to just jump on you and wipe you from the planet.
Use Tenacity with Kaias, SPAM tenacity when you plan to make a small/big play its a great way to tank CC's
Land Backstab or Exhausting Blow while the Priest is in "Cleanse Animation", It will immediately be removed hence offering you nothing and placing your skills on cd
Interfere in your warrior/archer combo if they are going for it, don't KD a warrior combo until it's finished and don't KD an archer combo until a few seconds in.
Measured Slice Giga Chains, Time & time again I see this mistake occur causing your lancer to wait another minute before he can make a big play for your team.
Get Cocky especially when your healer is slept, you will more than likely die.
Don't be afraid to fight the guy peeling you, if they are stopping you from getting sht done you gotta do what you gotta do.
Kick targets you think are desyncing, use combo attack to check and make sure.
Heart thrust if you are unsure. Be reactive & rely on skills you can count on & you'll succeed.
Finally here are some golden words of advice I provide to everyone c:
Awareness: Are you paying attention? The Everyday Dangers of Slayer: Skills/Buffs to look out forIn the following I will be using tons of Skill Icons to get my point across, please learn what each Skill Icon is.PriestsGuardian Sanctuary
Anti-Stun "5 Seconds of Fame" Mechanic from Priests.
DO NOT CAST if you have an intention of stunning.
Staggering is your biggest friend if isn't casted: +
Only decide to go all out with your skills should Priests decide to pull their famous GS/Kaia's Res Combo
Kaia's Shield
Anti-Stagger/KD Mechanic from Priests.
Be wary of using & if you have the intention of applying Knockdown as you cannot Knockdown until the barrier is gone.
Use to assist you in breaking the shield.
Stuns: can still be applied.
Stagger combo: + will NOT work until the barrier is destroyed if you have the intention of staggering.
Backstep: Priest dodging your ? Wait till this is casted before you decide to land the skill. Remember that priests will still try spamming this even after the skill is landed Purifying Circle: AOE Cleanse of Priests. Upon casting, the caster is: Immune to Staggers/KD's until the cast animation is finished. Priests may follow up with this skill directly after so be aware of this. Plague of Exhaustion: Every Melee's worst nightmare. Dodge this in every way shape & form possible: Use the Pillars, Dodgeroll, Backstab, stagger/stun the Priest in time. Having this debuff not only removes your buffs but applies the cooldown weight on your character which will cripple you if you decide to make a play/do a combo with this on you. MysticsNote: It takes alot of persistence to kill a Mystic, but if you can keep at it they can die. Staggering their when they need to heal their allies will help you keep the pressure on. Be most aware of the CD on Thrall of Life: This motherf**k has: 2 AOE Cleanses. An instant cleanse upon first summon and will LOS you so be careful when aiming your backstab on the mystic. You can stagger the fairy with hence attempt to knock it down. Teleport Jaunt
Same idea as except this will occur much more often against mystics and will most likely follow up with heals from & . Mystics WILL RESET THIS SKILL UPON
Remember that & is a great follow up after Jaunt is casted.
Lancers Shield Barrage: A 2-hit Skill that not only staggers but has a chance of stunning on the 2nd hit. DO NOT CAST to peel yourself as this skill is MOST LIKELY to be stopped. You can in between each hit if they mistime it so lookout for that. Giga Chain: 9/10 times this skill will most likely be landed on you. Lately Lancers have been using this skill to potentially "solo" the healer so if you are clearly out of range & can read when this skill is coming. Pop as a safety measure before coming in to peel for your team. & Leash & Master Leash: The Lancers first instinct to peel. When you are focusing down another DPS or the healer, be aware of where the Lancer is. You can potentially tank the pulls with so long as you are aware its coming but don't go out of your way to do this. aka Guardian Shout: 90% Endurance to your enemies for 40 seconds. Knock down the lancer as soon as possible to begin bursting your enemies. aka & Spring Attack & Menacing Wave: The Lancers famous f**k you. Do not commit to any combos when this is applied as less than half of your combo will bother to connect. Be aware of the debuffs on you before you continue applying pressure. Pledge of Protection: The Lancer absorbs 35% of damage being dealt to their team for 12seconds. This buff will stop you from establishing a kill if the healer/other DPS is <50% HP ArchersNote: If you can avoid you can easily fight against Archers & stick to them like glue. Don't get overconfident when this happens as Archers can currently turn it around & combo you in any given moment. is the biggest counter to Archer play. If you have this buff on, feel free to go allout. Stunning Trap
You can normally tank sitting traps like this & Concussion Trap: with . However try to avoid the pillar game against Archers that are clearly trying to "bait you" around that area.
You will most likely get followed up by:
You can also tank sitting Explosive Trap: with
Rapid Fire & Final Salvo
8second CD is one of the peels that to stop you from getting your job done.
are the 3 major skills to tank their stagger without interrupting you
Normally Archers will be using this to lead up to
Fun Fact: can move you without going on cd when archers repeat stagger you.
Try to not cast when Archers start their stagger chain as this skill is susceptible to getting staggered/placed on CD.
Be aware that will be stopped/placed on CD if they land their stagger on you.
Radiant Arrow: Can only apply "knockdown" if they charge 3 or more ticks. Freely stun or stagger the archer to stop this from happening. Explosive Trap: The primary form of "Peel" that Archers have to offer. You can easily tank this skill if you fit into your combo rotation. Concussion Trap: Secondary Peel that archers will use to stop you from getting the job done. Not as big a deal but can be tanked by Warriors Sorcerers Magma Bomb: The Sorc's stagger skill, sometimes dragging out your without fully animation canceling can help you tank the stagger & continue your combo. Other than that freely cast as Sorcerers cant stop you from doing this. Painful Trap: Can easily be tanked with Lightning Trap: Can easily be tanked by Time Gyre:
There is a few neat tricks that can help you get out of this skill. The sorcerers hands glow green when casting so pre-casting can help you tank the stun (Yes this root is considered a STUN effect).
In the event where you get rooted, you can use on any 12m nearby target to help you escape the root.
The only skill that can help you "physically" move is as this will help "push" your character and maybe making the distance to nearby targets.
Be aware that you cannot use your skill while the debuff is still in duration.
Can be easily tanked by . Remember that precasting will completely counter the sorcerer's Combo
Teleport Jaunt
They will normally cast or following the jaunt so take a few seconds to chill before you decide to backstab.
Remember that & is a great follow up after Jaunt is casted.
BerserkersNOTE: You can generally outplay Berserkers & make their life tough by staggering them. Staggers in between charging skills will annoy them & give you the chance to put those killer skills on cooldown. Be patient & decide when to pressure. Tenacity
Anti-Stun "5 Seconds of Fame" Mechanic from Slayers & Berserkers.
DO NOT CAST if you have an intention of stunning.
Bloodlust: Try to not screw around as Berserkers can attempt to 1-2 shot you. Evasive Smash: If a Berserker rolls beside you, you can stagger/stun them & this skill will be canceled/CD. Mocking Shout
Anti-stagger mechanic lasting 12 seconds.
+ will NOT work until the buff is weared off. You can still attempt to stun the target if this is the only buff up.
If combined with , proceed with THE UPMOST CAUTION. Be Patient & wait it out until one of the two buffs wears off & proceed to stop the Berserker then.
Cyclone: Spaced Staggers per tick, you can attempt to weave in between but I recommend not using any stuns. can root him in place & have him spinning nothing
Buffs that tell you to go hard/commit This buff combined with will make your slayer equivalent to . This is your best defence possible so take advantage of it. Energy Stars (Priests): Power, super speed. You can accomplish most if not all of your combos when this buff is applied on your character. Glyph of Swift (): If you have the glyph on, this buff (10s) can help you establish your core combo, apply more pressure, stun lock, you name it. In Cold Blood: You want to kill someone, do it. Be afraid of & don't get hit by these. Titanic Wrath (Mystics) Helps kill people.
Jumping & How to deal with itIf you play Slayer long enough, you'll realize that many healers will lean towards jumping as their form of defense (especially when running a comp such as Slayer/Warrior). There are multiple skills that can counter jumping in its own right & hopefully you wont have to deal with /jump desync that generally happens when associated with jumping. Some Core examples include but are not limited to: Forcing KD with Exhausting Blow/Distant Blade
Since both skills have a form of aim-assist, using your crosshairs & aiming well while they are in midflight (assuming no shields involved) can force them to fall down & give yourself the chance that they blow their
KD Chaining
Any knockdown you can apply from them jumping (Assuming is blown) without using your skills allows you to chain knockdown freely without them being able to fight back. Be sure to take heed the previous cautions above & you should be able to root placing with
Following the knockdown, if you hit while they are in "knocked down state" you can place a root lasting up to 1-2 seconds, keeping them there allowing the "Game" to forcefully root their position regardless of any desync involved. Follow this up with any combo that you have available & continue dishing out pressure.
Here is a short example displaying all 3 of these key ideas involved together in one combo:
There's also the good old not give a fuck- playing & ignoring the fact that the jumping is happening. Sometimes it is just better to let the situation handle itself as them jumping can indirectly help you provide as much pressure as needed in terms of getting shit done. Here's a perfect peptalk video:
Remember that people will jump, there will be desync involved, you will be frustrated/upset. BUT, don't let it get to you. If you do your best to play around it you will end up succeeding one way or another c:
Combos: Tools of the Trade/Media Section Matchup/Comp OpinionsWarrior/Slayer
High Pressure, Healing Assassin Comp that relies heavily on keeping up constant annoyance on the enemy team. You can perfectly space out stuns and even executing double backstab. The classes compliment each other well & manage to do "unpeelable" damage due to the AOE Stuns from the warrior + the free-cast burst of the Slayer. This is probably our strongest comp possible against the overpowered comps that Lancers can execute. The CON's of this comp is that with good observation, this comp can be easily peeled. The comp is also melee heavy causing the DPS to be easily Dispelled is most easily setup from Lancers & Archers are a hard counter to the pressure if allowed to free-cast.
Similar to Warrior/Slayer in pressure but with the added utility from the lancer. The point of this comp is to dish out massive amounts of pressure. Stick on targets hardcore & don't give your opponents time to breathe. The best part of this comp is that you can divide the pressure &still manage to make great plays. Generally have your lancer on the carry & yourself on the healer to try to make an play. Sticking well on the healer can help your lancer solo a DPS & the Lancer outputs enough pressure to make it easy for you to harass/kill the healer. Coordination is key for you to apply your burst well in this COMP With great creativity you can pull very unique combos that can be associated with can help commit to fights along with Stacking your with will continue the stunlock.
The famous MLG comp. Burst Utility & easy CC combos make this comp my personal favourite. This comp's strongest point is the ability to AOE stunlock & output large amounts of burst while performing consistent knockdowns to pressure the enemy team. Make sure that whatever you do, having both DPS on a single target can blow your target of focus away. Stun stacking will allow your Archer to cast freely. The Archer compliments the Slayer in which sometimes they merely have to cast a charge shot while you are busy executing your combo in order to clutch a kill. These skills allow the comp to execute Knock-down chains and can easily isolate a player from the fight. As this is an "MLG" form of Comp, each individual on the team must be relatively good in PvP for this comp to work at its best.
The Melee Utility Comp. This comp utilizes the Sorcerer's Crowd Control capabilities along wtih the slayers swift burst. Personally my favourite comp to play atm. So long as the Slayer takes advantage of the Sorcerer's Silence and stuns & the Sorc manages to pull of burst in the Slayers Combo than that is where this comp truly shines. The Sorc greatly compliments the Slayer so long as they are capable of casting. As this is an "MLG" form of Comp, each individual on the team must be relatively good in PvP for this comp to work at its best.
Priest/Mystic: What to go with
This is a huge preference issue that can vary based on either making your strengths better or to cover up the weaknesses that the Slayer class offers. Priest is best safety net, mystic provides overall more opportunity to methodically kill people. Priests offer energy stars, buffs, really big heals & Kaias shield giving you alot of free room/safety to make good plays & make up for your lack of defense. You are more likely to be cleansed wtih a priest & the spell "Arise" can help you recover/continue your pressure especially against berserkers. Priests offer you Mana Charge as well giving you burst mana along with them recovering their own mana (btw is AN AMAZING CONCEPT). With the added utility from Guardian Sanctuary: Allowing them to save your team against GigaChain Combos related to Lancer. Plague is an awesome "uncleansable" harass on the enemy DPS meaning that forcing them to peel you will lower the amount of plays they make on you due to forcibly extending the cooldowns on the major skills they have. The main issue with running with a priest is that they are easily susceptible to mystic combos meaning there will be multiple times where you are forced to peel for your priest. They might not be as active offensively compared to mystic but the buffs & support they provide allow you to easily make your own plays. You bring a priest when you want awesome heals, a reason to go "ham" freely with the buffs they provide (& your tired of Giga) Mystics give you Crit aura allowing awesome skills like Knockdown Strike & Overhand Strike to critcleave people Mystic's Crit Resist Aura is huge in terms of keeping you alive . The mystic CC chain will dunk every priest in this game giving you tons of time to double up & make a play on any target of your choosing PLUS because KD is part of their CC chain, they can help you blow Retaliates allowing you to solo KD chain a specific target. The heals may lack but they make up for it with the utility, the perma crit aura & the feeling that your healer is unlikely to die with their amazing survivability hence giving you more time and effort into killing their team > peeling your healer. Noctenium allows their CC chain to be 2+ seconds longer on certain skills so expect mystics to punish the opposing team. The main issue with running a mystic is that the heals they provide you are not as strong as priest, they dont provide kaias shield, warding totem is a VERY weak form of a barrier. Heals are pretty much RNG with crit healing, cleansing isnt as strong in terms of spam & mystics generally have bigger mana issues hence cannot allow you to facetank damage & healbot you forever. With the recent nerfs, their surviablity is MUCH less so they are now a class that needs to be peeled when extremely pressured You need to play even better when you have a mystic with the lack of safetynets and you will be extremely rewarded in the process when you take full advantage of the opportunities they provide you.
ConclusionThank you reader for taking the time to read what I have to say. I hope that somewhere in this article you found something that can potentially help you in your play as a Slayer. If you really liked what I had to say here and would like to see more, check out:
I'd like some personal feedback and criticizing as this will help not only the guide, but my own personal Slayer play. I've kept the technical stuff at the bottom for those truly interested in the mechanic part of Slayer along with my personal notes in terms of my future plans. Thanks again & good luck with your endeavours, Flow~
Skill AnalysisSkills Spotlight(#) Dictates Number of Glyph Points Required Reference to specific mods in PvP Environment
Combo Attack
Applies Stagger/Interrupt & on first hit.
Not as good on Popori/Elin races as the arc is slow
Chains into Overhand Strike after 4th hit (Not Recommended)
Use your first hit as often as possible in between rotations or part of rotations.
Part of multiple stagger combos, very beneficial should you play advantageous races
This is your best stagger to help your healer sleep targets if you time it well.
Evasive Roll
Invincibility Frames
Varying distances/# of iframes depending on what race you are (Castanic Female = Longest, Elin = Shortest)
Anti Stagger + Anti KD = Making it your best defensive skill
Varying cast speeds based on what race you are (1.2-1.4)
Both slashes are staggers, Noctenium boosts both slashes w/ the cost of 1 Noctenium
Pretty good on Gigas (Safest Skill to Hit)
Click here for an example of these glyphs being executed as part of a combo.
Knockdown Strike
Anti Stagger/KD = Making it one of your best initiating skills
Chains into Startling Kick for KD combos
Glyphs viable:
Overhand Strike
Staggers upon hit: Abuse as much as possible
Animation can be cancelled (dealing damage while lowering recovery time) with successful timing
Can be canceled early upon executing Measured Slice
Startling Kick
Be careful of body collision behind yourself upon executing
Standard setup to land Heart Thrust
Can land Knockdown Strike without glyphing the related Blaze glyph
Headlong Rush
Rushes at a distance of 11m
Applies a "lockon" system to which it will tail your opponent upon casted on with crosshairs in an 11m range
50% attack speed buff on your next skill (including combo/auto attack). Use wisely.
Can be used to escape Enemy Slayer's
30 second cooldown
5 second stun resist duration: Does NOT resist any weakening/periodic effect/staggers
2nd half of the casting animation is included as a part of the stun resist
Distant Blade
Shoots 3 ranged attacks, Noctenium costs 1 per shot fired
The 3rd shot hits the hardest, but forces an animation lock
The first two shots can be canceled into ANY skill
Very effective as a gap closer
Can be extremely handy against Sorcerers' Time Gyre along w/
Triumphant Shout
Prevents MP decay for 20 seconds
Cast near the start of 3v3 matches so you dont start with 0 MP when the round starts
Stunning Backhand
Deals an additional 10% base mod damage in PvP Environment
Glyph of Power (3) = Good Glyph
Has an AoE, can be arc'd/angled to punish players that block for too long
The stun is normally too short to apply any long combos
Fury Strike
Applies a [cleansable]50% healing debuff for 10 seconds on hit
Varying ranges from 4m to 6m (Elin)
Staggers on hit, making it one of your pressure abilities
Most effectively used when below 50% HP total if used with the intention of damage.
Care for mana it poops 300
Exhausting Blow
15% CDR debuff applied upon landing
Cannot be resisted even with barriers, but can be cleansed
Best used following Cleanse being casted
30% additional damage applied to the next LANDED skill
Best used with Heart Thrust &
Buff persists if the attacked "target" has a shield until the shield is broken [Refer to Manaya's Core Reference] V The Following Glyphs Persist with Shields:
Classified as a "stun" effect but applies a root in PvP
Effect can be applied as the opponent is knocked down on the floor
Standard gap closer
Recommended to be used against ranged classes and healers
Best used as: Finisher or while the "target" is currently casting a skill (Not recommended against lancers)
Care for people that jump before or upon landing
Recommended Glyphs:
In Cold Blood
Can be executed mutiple times per 3v3 round if you have a skill chest with 15% CDR
Please be aware of dispels, this buff is very important to applying your best form of pressure
Recommend to save until plague/regress has been already casted
Can guarantee kills
Measured Slice
Knocks down upon hit
Has a wide arc & range
Can be canceled out for damage/animation cancel w/ dodge roll
HIGHLY recommend not wasting the CD of this skill, if you intend to cast it: Hit it
Extremely useful for Knockdown Chains
Heart Thrust - Insert Video Soon™
This skill has varying ranges depending on what RACE & SEX you are, learn and practice them.
Can be casted not only pointblank/shotgun, but can be casted on grounded targets.
Leading this skill with can be beneficial when it is clear that the target is hit by a long cc/stunlock.